Connecting Families: A Conversation with DPH
Please join The Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN) for a conversation with the MA Department of Public Health (DPH). FCSN will host DPH at the Family Connections meeting on Thursday July 8 at 7pm. The DPH panel will include:
Elaine Gabovitch, MPA, Director, Division for Children & Youth with Special Health Needs,
Dalila Hyry Dermith, Director, Care Coordination Program, and
Sarah Stone, Director, Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program.
DPH will give a short presentation about their work with families of CYSHN and describe the services being provided as COVID restrictions are rolling back, including DPH advisories related to COVID- 19. The presentation will be followed by a moderated question and answer period. You may enter questions on the registration form.
Please join the Federation, the Department of Public Health and Families throughout MA for this great opportunity!
Register here: