Webinar for Deaf Hard of Hearing Families
On Tuesday, September 24th, NCHAM will be hosting the webinar: "Families with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children Thrive with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adult Role Models" presented by Tawny Holmes Hlibok and Howard Rosenblum.
Families need every type of resource available and that includes the support from experienced deaf and hard of hearing adults. The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) is excited to share more information about how families can obtain these opportunities. Direct resources will be shared such as programs, funding, organizations, apps, and conferences. For instance, the NAD recently launched a National Families Campaign that focuses on providing information to families. A panel of diverse deaf and hard of hearing adults will also be featured. Come and learn how your deaf or hard of hearing child can thrive more with adult role models!
Learning Objectives:
1) Families will learn more about available deaf community resources and support and where to find them.
2) Families will understand the importance of including deaf and hard of hearing adults in their deaf or hard of hearing child's life.
3) Families will obtain positive information about strong future opportunities for their deaf and hard of hearing child.
Presenter Bios:
Tawny Holmes Hlibok is the Education Policy Counsel at the National Association of the Deaf, and in this role, she provides policy consultation on local, state, national, and global levels. She brings experience to the job, having taught deaf students of all ages, from early intervention home visits to post-secondary programs. In addition to her advocacy work, she coordinates the NAD Education Advocates program. Tawny also teaches at Gallaudet University, focusing on sign language rights and advocacy. She graduated from the Alabama School for the Deaf, obtained her BA degree in Deaf Studies and Sociology from Gallaudet Univeristy, and an MA in Deaf Education from Gallaudet University. She then received her JD degree from the University of Baltimore Law School. In her free time, she enjoys reading and keeping in touch with her four Deaf godchildren: Avant, Leilani, Oriana, and Talon.
Howard Rosenblum is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of the Deaf (NAD). In this capacity, he oversees the operations of the NAD to carry out its mission of preserving, protecting and promoting the civil, human, and linguistic rights of deaf and hard of hearing people in the United States. He also serves as the Legal Director overseeing the staff lawyers as well as policy advocacy and litigation work within the NAD Law and Advocacy Center. Mr. Rosenblum has twenty-seven years of experience as a disability rights attorney include: seven years overseeing and directing the NAD Law and Advocacy Center; nine years as a Senior Attorney at Equip for Equality, a nonprofit organization designated as Illinois' Proctection and Advocacy entity; and ten years before that with a private law firm. His legal practice has been in the areas of disability rights and special education. He is the primary author of the American Bar Association Guidelines on Court Access for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People and the sixth edition of the NAD Legal Rights: Guide for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. He has provided numerous workshops nationally and internationally on the Americans with Disability Act, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. He currently serves as the legal advisor to the World Federation of the Deaf. In 2010, he was appointed by President Obama to serve on the U.S. Access Board and was reappointed in 2014. Mr. Rosenblum received his law degree from IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law (1992), and his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Arizona (1988).
Webinar date: Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Webinar start times (by time zone)
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PT
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm MT
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm CT
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Where: Adobe Connect - register click: https://usu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1M5ZpbEsa9HYFVP
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Note: If your institution does not permit you to add the above link, you may go to the above URL directly, however, we have been advised that optimal perfomance is achieved via the app.
Live captioning will also be provided; a link will be available for captioning upon logging into the webinar.
This webinar will be recorded and posted online at www.infanthearing.org about a week after the webinar. There are no CEU's offered for this webinar.
If you have questions about this webinar, please contact Mandy Jay at mandy.jay@usu.edu. For technical assistance during the webinar, please contact Daniel Ladner at daniel.ladner@usu.edu.